Tara Reddy
I am a mixed media artist working with clay, found objects and printmaking to explore story-telling, memories and past histories.
Working within schools and community I have been commissioned to facilitate inter-generational and cross cultural projects with art ranging from ceramic wall murals to illustrated booklets and sound installations.
I have experience working with dementia patients stimulating participants through reminiscence. Through my workshops using storytelling, creative play and the exciting discovery in the magic of clay I hope people can own their personal journeys and embark on new ones.
As an artist I am fascinated by the lives we live, the dreams we dream, the words we say and the meanings that get lost and distorted through time. I am drawn to found and broken objects and enjoy bringing them to life again working with community groups to create exciting collaborative art works.
Clay, the earth, it is fragile, it is strong, and as our lives are shaped, clay too is shaped
broken fragments remain to prove their existence and over centuries lay waiting to be discovered and as archaeologists dig, piece by piece they map the past as we try to map the journeys of our ancestors
Memories are so powerful that they can evoke much emotion and transport us across miles and across time, they can shape us, trap or release us.
See our past projects pages for some examples.