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'It has given me joy’ – Joan, 69.

'I felt relaxed and calm for once' - Tim, 30.

'That’s the first time I’ve seen Nick smile for ages’- from the carer of Nick, 29.

'This is a great service. I am fully behind it' - Dr Shepherd, Warrior Square Surgery.

'The Arts are incredibly important in terms of physical and and mental health' - 

Rosanna, Participant and Facilitator.

How We Help

Artist led and Well-being Practitioner supported Art workshops; online or in safe-spaces. Designed to promote social engagement and enhance mental health and wellbeing.

Free to those referred to us!

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Latest News

We had art and poets and representatives of the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex and the mayor and art and culture counsellor to visit our funded art for well-being sessions.

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